Soul Lark's Weaving

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Sven 5 is on its way!

Sven-5 is almost done. I'm going to adapt parts of my original story into the parts after Sven-5. For those who are new. Please bear with me. I have a job during the day to pay my bills. Sometimes I can only write a few lines before I become very tired and need to go to bed. There are weekends when inspiration doesn't seem to locate me. Then, I'll spend several hours just mulling through the same few paragraphs.

I saw him again Friday. I heard him talking to some clients and thought I could see him after he had finished with them. I'm sure he knew I was there because I walked right past him ... I crossed his field of vision! Well, he left immediately after that. To see him leave without even saying hello was very painful. He knows that I've been avoiding him and perhaps he's hurt. Does he know the hurt he's caused me by being distant and indifferent to me? I can't help wondering. I can hear myself say to a friend in a similar predicament to drop the fellow. However, my heart doesn't seem to agree with my head.


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